The Village of Lombard authorized TV Cable Installers to walk on the roof, while one of the TV Cable installer slipped off and fell off the roof breaking his back at the expense of the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois, USA.
Authorized SBC Telephone Services by Edward Westenholtz provided by trespassers jumping the adjoining gothic fence, splintered between the Carpenters' driveway and the Hung Family Real Estate property in the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois, USA.

Roofing Damages & Losses Caused by Unauthorized Services in the Village of Lombard left loose aluminum siding, wooden planks, and rubble over existing flower borders, green lawn, and garden landscape at the Hung Family Real Estate Property adjoining Eva and John Carpenter's home.
The Village of Lombard allowed trespassers to jump the adjoining fence between the Carpenters' driveway to cause extensive Roofing Damages & Losses to existing rain gutters, ductwork, and wooden structures at the Hung Family Real Estate Property in the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois, USA.

Roofing Damages & Losses Caused by Unauthorized Services in the Village of Lombard left loose aluminum siding, wooden planks, and rubble over existing flower borders, green lawn, and garden landscape at the Hung Family Real Estate Property adjoining Eva and John Carpenter's home.